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RWA Staffing 2013-present

By 27 June 2024July 4th, 2024No Comments

The following provides a year-on-year comparison of the staffing numbers at Retirees WA across all operations, based on the numbers lodged with the ACNC.

The data available covers 2013 – 2023, and has been provided below for ease of comparison.

Note on FTE vs Employee Expenses

The ACNC does not have data for the Full-time equivalent staff numbers at RWA prior to 2017.

The graph conveys the inconsistency and lack of transparency around RWA staffing expenditure over the years. The most obvious issues are:

• The anomaly in 2020’s report, showing 103 FTE staff (double the previous year and following year) without any change in the employee expenses. It can be inferred this number was simply the total number of staff employed during the year, and not FTE.

• For the 2018 financial year there was reportedly 75 FTE staff at a cost of $4.8M, and by 2023 there was reportedly just 52 FTE staff, at a cost of $6.1M. That means on average, the annual expense per FTE staff member has gone from $64,630 to $117,542 in just 6 years.  This equates to a 181% increase in staffing expenses, or the average FTE staff member costing RWA nearly double.

RWA Staffing Raw Data as Reported

Note on Raw Data

The data provided is per the data available on the ACNC website, from RWA’s annual lodgements as required by law.  Where there are empty fields, the data was either not reported or not required to be reported.